Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day at the Movies, "The Hangover"

Happy Father's Day to all of you dad's out there! The kids are gone for the summer so my husband had some quiet time today. Kind of, he worked graveyard and didn't get home until 7am. So he slept till noon & I couldn't resist, I woke him up (today starts his week end). We decided to go see "The Hangover" at the movie theater. O.K. parents be advised, DON'T take your kids to this movie. It's very expliciate. For adults only. For my husband & I we laughed so hard. So any adults out there that don't get offended easy, go see this movie! **Take the kids to grandma's house***
Now were having a late BBQ. So I need to wrap up! Have a great night.
This post brought to you by Dreamy Gift Baskets

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